Thursday, January 5, 2012

When Things Aren't in Our Control

We worry.

We lose sleep.

We get anxious.

We talk to people about what's on our mind. Thinking that may help get the issues off our chest.

We pray that all will move along in our favor.

I am a believer in God and it sometimes comforts me to know that He will take care of the things in my life that I'm not in control of. But, it certainly does NOT take away all the worry or the anxiety that I cause myself by going over and over the issues and the problems in my head. I try to hand them over to Him, but alas, I am human.

Lately, it really seems that everything I am struggling with is out of my control. The worst part is that I feel like there are bits of these issues that I can guide towards receiving a positive result, but I'm not in any control of the ending.

Because I'm a person who needs to know answers RIGHTHISSECOND, it's tough to have a half-solution and have to wait for someone else/something else/sometime else to find out the final solution.

I suppose this is an opportunity for me to just go with the flow and try to find more solace in God. I'm sure I can find alternative projects to busy myself with that will pass time until He finds solutions to these issues. (Like laundry or running... or writing...)

I am 99% sure things like these happen because God is just testing me. My patience, my trust in Him, my life decisions... The cynical New Yorker in me is just picturing God spinning a blindfolded Jesus around in a circle with the goal to "pin the ending" on these solutions for me.

Regardless, I'm just going to keep going with the flow, because, really, what else can I do when things are out of my control?

Oh, that's right. Listen to Pandora all day.

Thank God for life soundtracks.


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