Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So I Have a Problem... Kinda.

It's not a bad problem to have. I don't need to go to a therapy session to get fixed. I don't even think it needs to be fixed. Most people wouldn't mind having this problem, actually.

I want an iPhone for the wrong reasons.

The reasons are as follows:
- To get an application to manage my money easily (I hear has a great one, thank you, Brigitte!!)
- To feel/BE cool (Yeah, I said it.)

And the number one reason...
- To get this case for it.

I also want an iPad. Which leads me to a whole 'nother set of problems.

- I want the iPad case and iPhone case to match.
- Kate Spade does NOT make that iPhone case in an iPad case size.

This is a Mulberry design, but I definitely can't afford this problem.

I know, I know. "Guurllll, get some bigger, and more serious problems," right? (I already have those, thank you very much, I just choose not to share them via my PUBLIC BLOG.)

But, seriously, from what I know about these gadgets, people use them ALL the time, more than is normal to use a gadget.

If I was purchasing an expensive handbag, I'd want a matching wallet, as well. If I was purchasing expensive slacks, I'd just buy a suit. If I was purchasing an expensive car, I'd probably get leather seats. Expensive things sometimes come in pairs.

So, this is a legitimate argument I have here.

Help! Does anyone have any good solutions for this kinda-fun-problem I have? (I'm open to looking at alternative designers for my gadgets, as well. And yes, I want designer cases.)

What? That's totally normal.



  1. yes like engagement ring and diamond wedding band. PAIR!!


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