I want to tell you a story...
Long, long ago, I went out for a guy friend's friend's birthday. I was the only person at the table who didn't know the birthday boy or any of his friends, except for the friend I went with, so I made sure to be social with the strangers.
We had a great time eating delicious pasta and calamari on the upper east side then went out to a random bar in the West Village. I don't remember the name of it but it looked like a big treehouse where elves could have quite possibly lived off of booze, not chocolate.
My friend had to leave early since he had to work early the next day. I decided to stay, since I had made friends with his friends.
After having a conversation with one of his male friends about how there aren't many honest guys in this city without ulterior motives (of which he agreed, and also said the same about the girls here- fair enough,) we learned that we live close to each other and decided head out and share a cab heading uptown.
But, after climbing out of the treehouse, we decide to get one more drink, and that's when the clock struck midnight. Suddenly, this "dude" by all definitions of the word (I think he was wearing ruddy sneakers and greasy jeans,) turned into a Prince.
We went to a wine bar, where he told me to get "anything I want." So, I ordered a glass of Chardonnay and a cheese platter, that we shared. Over our wine and cheese, we had a really great, lucid conversation that one doesn't expect to ever have after midnight on Saturday nights. (Generally, those conversations are patch-worked together in your memory the next morning, from which photos bring the slight recollection back.)
We walked out of the bar, and he held my hand as we strolled down the tree-lined streets of the West Village. It was perfect. It was serene, and the best part- it was out of nowhere.
We walked a few steps, he dipped me back and surprised me with the sweetest little kiss. Understand now, that we were both under the same impression that this meant nothing and wasn't a first step of ANY kind into anything (and definitely not back to either of our apartments.)
It was what he said to me after the sweet action that made this night so memorable. Once back up on my feet he said, "See, there are nice guys out there."
It was something that stuck with me ever since that night long, long ago. It wasn't that kiss that made him a "nice guy," it was the whole tone of the night. Light, funny conversations, laughter, and finalizing it all with a small move.
We shared a cab back uptown where we left each other by sharing a hug, and I thanked him for everything- from the conversation to the wine to showing me that there are nice guys left in the city.
We didn't exchange numbers and I was more than fine with that. I wasn't attracted to him and I had seen what he was like with his friends before the clock turned midnight... no thanks.
I'm not rushing into dating someone right now, but for those ladies who really want a boyfriend right now- then this story was for you.
There are nice guys out there and they're ready to sweep you off your feet and surprise you with the sweetest little kiss in the world, too.
But, as a precaution- chances are it won't actually happen after midnight... My situation was once in a lifetime. (I mean, really, when was the last time you ever heard of something sweet happening to a girl after midnight?)
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