To give you some personal history: my first Yurman piece was given to me when I was in high school. I was told to go to Royal Jewelers in Andover, MA- where I was to pick out anything for Christmas (care of Nana and Grampy.) Putting myself on a "budget maximum," since I'm the best granddaughter ever, I chose the wheat chain bracelet, (which at that time was $350... it's now $475.) I fell in love with the rings and gem stone bracelets, but knew they were out of a reasonable price range for my grandparents.
Then, God blessed me with a really great boyfriend who bought me three pieces of Yurman's designs (2 with amethyst gems) within the 6 years we were together. Even though we aren't together now, I still wear the baubles and graciously admire my fingers and wrist every so often. (Did I say that "God blessed me with a great boyfriend" and then mentioned just material objects? I didn't mean it like that... but... I mean... whatever. I was blessed with a lot of non-material things too!)
NOW... let's look at this gorgeous Cordelia Pave Diamond Bracelet-- if you were given this, you wouldn't say NO, would you?! NEVER!
So, go on- I know you have some spare change after drinking your savings away this summer- GO buy this for yourself. YOU DESERVE IT! Or, if you have a loving boyfriend (who happens to also own a Hedge Fund) maybe he'll buy you this gorgeous piece of art for your naked wrists. Winter's coming and you need to keep warm- what a nice, and sparkly, way to do so!
You're welcome.
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