Now, I knew that when Blaine said he had a crush on someone and was going to sing his heart out to the lucky guy, that lucky guy wasn't going to be Kurt. Poor K was so upset when he realized that even though Blaine knew K's coffee order, the blondie at the Gap was blinding Blaine's heart's view of precious Kurty boy.
When the "Blaine-we-aren't-dating, if-we-were- I'd-be-arrested-because-you're-underage"-previously-employed-Gap-Manager broke Blaine's underage heart, Kurt knew it was time to be frank.
"OF COURSE YOU KNOW MY COFFEE ORDER BY HEART! You were too blinded by curly blonde dude to realize I'M THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!" That's what Kurt wanted to say, but he didn't. He said it some quippy Fox-Glee-writer way.
And Kurt and Blaine lived happily ever after.
The moral of this re-telling of Glee was because IT'S ALMOST Valentine's Day!
Now, that day doesn't mean anything to me this year except that now it's going to be celebrated as "Vanity Day" with a special girlfriend of mine. (She will now see me clearly, and without little gelly-type circles in her eyes, because she just got LASIK surgery! YAY!)
She is anti-Valentine's Day, and I'm just neutral about it this year, so we decided that, though we'd still call it "V-Day," the V was going to stand for something more... selfish.
I know this post is a little too-soon to refer to V-Day, but watching Kurt and Blaine really put me in the happy and romantic mood. So, WHY not spread the love to you sooner than later?!
So, HAPPY VANITY DAY to the single and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to the couples.
(Ah hem, gentlemen: I'm available to receive chocolates, red/pink cards with hearts on them, even some early Easter candy if you find some mini eggs or Cadbury eggs.)
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