Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Booked Myself a Sunny Vay-Cay

I'm heading out to the West Coast for the first time EVER! Yep, that's right. I will be a California newbie, if just for the 6 days I'm visiting.

My little sister lives out in the sunny state and she's so nicely offered me the other side of her air mattress. I couldn't be happier.  (That's the two of us on my 25th birthday, back when she was actually living with ME, so she totally owes me this fabulous trip.) :)

So this trip was booked at the end of last week in a very spontaneous move, so much so that I hadn't alerted my bosses of the days that I was planning on taking off- but that's OK. I received approval today. PHEW!

Now what? I plan my WEEK!

On the docket:

1. The BEACH. Sister lives near Santa Monica, so I'm presuming I'll take a trip to Santa Monica and to Venice Beach. You know, get my Romeo & Juliet action on. I'll be searching out traces of 16 year old Leo DeCap, definitely.
2. Hollywood Stars- human ones and ones in the cement
3. Beverly Hills houses- I plan on cruising in my rental Corolla in and around Beverly Hills in search for a gated community with a sleeping gate-keeper
4. Giggy- OF COURSE! I have to find this little nugget of joy before heading back to the east cost.

5. Scooting down to San Diego to visit my darlings from Hometown- Rachel and Rachel! I can't wait to see their shiny, Southern Californian faces!!
6. Seeing 2 other guy friends from home that I haven't seen in eons, as well as 3 friends from college who I haven't seen in a few years. They will be so excited to see me. I can feel it.

Outside of those 6 things... what should I plan on doing out there? I'll be with sister a lot of the time, until she goes to work or audition for something awesome or kicks me out of her face for being super excited about everything.... when that happens- what else should I plan on doing? Keeping in mind that traffic will take up 60% of my trip...

...and now starts the diet and workout plan... AHH! Less than 12 weeks away! Can't wait!!


1 comment:

  1. Ooh sounds like fun! I hope you have a great time with your sis :)


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