One of my favorites. Actually, it's the one Shakespeare play I've read more than once. Everyone knows the story of Romeo & Juliet, so I'm not going to get into that.
But, the picture above, as clever as it is, shows the hybrid of Facebook/technology of today with classic relationships.
As such, Facebook adds on a totally different component of relationships. Some might agree, some of you might disagree with me.
Long gone are the days of smiling at your crush in the cafeteria during lunch. For now, there are text messages that 12 year olds are sending across the lunchroom. Sending love letters have been replaced with sending emails. Blind dates are still the same, but rather, the two are meeting not because friends have set them up, but through an internet site.
It seems as though Facebook and the internet have removed all romance from relationships and pending-relationships.
Problem is: Romeo and Juliet's relationship is still complicated. The real-life outside world doesn't change (quickly or as drastically) and adapt to the Facebook world.
Some girls still like to get phone calls instead of texts. But, I think that
ALL girls like to see that the guy is
trying OUTSIDE of just sitting at his computer GChatting a girl or BBMing her on the subway.
He thinks, "Do I IM her, GChat her, BBM, text, Facebook message, Facebook chat, poke, wink her?"
In high school, I thought that Romeo was the guy I was looking for.
But, now that I know he's on Facebook, I've lost all hope.