On Friday, I discovered the most moving blog I've ever read. It's written by the father and mother of a little girl, age 2, Layla Grace, who's dying of Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.
I don't know anything about the family, aside from what I've read on their blog, Twitter, and Facebook pages. They're spiritual, loving, patient, and the most courageous people I've ever read about. Since I don't have a daughter or son myself, I can't imagine the amount of emotions- fear, anger, anxiety, depression, courage, bravery- going through them.
Because Little Layla Grace's story has touched my heart, mind, and soul, I have supported their family by sending money through PayPal to help them cover their medical bills. If you cannot donate any money to them right now, please find it in your day to pray a couple times for this little angel from Heaven.
I have tried to get the word out to everyone I know through discussions, Facebook links, Twitter, and now my blog. Please do the same. And please pray for Layla Grace to find peace in her pain, for a miracle to give her body the strength to fight this disease harder, and for her family to remain courageous, brave, and strong.
You will find her story on these links:
Layla Grace Blog
Direct Link to Donate to Layla Grace
I clicked on their blog link only to read that Layla Grace is going to pass away in the next few weeks! I'm not sure I can read it :( I could imagine it'd be extremely moving but I am teary eyed just thinking about it!