...of bloggers and New Yorkers who have such big hearts!!
I received some bits of great news today. It's a good day to receive great news because my grandfather is getting surgery today- getting his stomach/esophagus cancer removed! Great that he's getting it removed, but scary for him and my family members- especially those who are at his side today in Boston praying that the surgery goes even better than planned. So, if you have a second to spare today- please say a small prayer or have a positive thought for my family. I am thinking positively that it will all go very well, and the more positive thoughts, the better!
Piece of good news 1: I applied to join the Friends of St. Jude's New York chapter and was accepted in to be on the committee for the Winter Gala in December! I'm so excited for this because I've been trying to find a community service organization that I can dedicate my whole heart to. After hearing about Layla Grace and then Taylor in the last week, I knew I wanted to join an organization that helped children. Lady luck surprised me and I found out today that I'm a member of this organization and am SO thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful charity.
Piece of good news 2: I won a blog award! It's the Sunshine Award, given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world! Being a kid who was never involved enough in sports to win a trophy (aside from winning Doll Carriage Parades in my hometown for the 4th of July parade at ages 3, 4, 5... thank you mom and dad) I never expected to win awards in my semi-adult life. Thank you Agy Talks for giving this lovely award to me! You're so sweet! She's got a great, funny, sincere blog full of funny topics, so check her out!

There are RULES to this award as well... they are as follows:
•Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
•Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
•Link the nominees within your post.
•Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
•Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
My next blog will be of the other bloggers who I believe have positive, inspiring things to tell the world. Come back in the next few days to find out who those people are! :)
Happy You like your little present! :)) I will definitely pray for your grandfather & your family. A special get well wish, to bring your grandfather lots of cheerful thoughts and Sunshine Moments. God Bless YOU for joining the Friends of St. Jude's New York chapter! :))