Monday, March 29, 2010

Cherub Birthdays!

My cousin Gennaro just turned 1 this weekend! Happy Birthday to the sweet boy! Here are a few pictures of him... isn't he so delicious!?


My best friend, Brooke's, little nephew, Christian, is also turning 1! I've still yet to meet the little man, but here's a link to take a peek to see his birthday invites! Plus, I think that this invitation designer needs some love, as her designs are adorable and cheeky and it's always nice to recognize awesome work. Beaucoup de Papier

Here's a handsome picture of the cutie pie birthday boy!


  1. Happy birthday Gennaro!

    His name sounds so exotic! Never heard of it before. ;p

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out! I appreciate it :) Your cousin is adorable!


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