Here are my inspiring blogger choices to receive the Sunshine Award that Agy Talks handed off to me! (I'm sorry- I couldn't get up to 12 that I could give whole heartedly, so please forgive me!)

To remind you, the Sunshine Award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world!
* Mandie at Steeling Spoons: The Life of a Shampoo Girl: Her recent blog articles about her crappy Wednesday and questioning where God is in her life. She NEEDS a little sunshine right now in her life, and I hope that this helps her out a bit :)
* Melissa at Miss Melissa: Even though she took her most recent blog images from Andrew's blog, I thought the poor sick girl needed an award for 1. having the same sense of humor as me (I thought it was hysterical as well!) and 2. to Get Better!!
* Sophie at Sophisticated Side Ponytail: A. side ponytails are in DNA for girls who were born in the 80s, so kudos for this, S. B. SUPER positive post about the girly-parts. Every girl needs to know those deets, so thanks for informing us :)
* Cheryl at Confessions of a Twenty Something Year Old for being so honest about her mini-tiffs with her boyfriend over a newly-added hottie to his Facebook friend list. You Go Girl. I love your cohones. I'll even ignore your comment about how "America is such a fail." (You DID win the hockey game after all- geez!) ;) Your positivity brightened my day and thank you for that, because, really- we all have gone through those tiffs with guys because of Facebook. (Thanks, smart dude from Harvard...)
* Jessica at Life Ain't Always Beautiful is receiving this award from me as she's new at blogging and I just love everything she writes about- The Bachelor, Snooki, getting burned after tanning, spring break- everything is lovely. Super positive and such a doll. Here's to you, Jessica! I hope you enjoyed your spring break in Myrtle Beach!
* Ritu at the Stylster!: She's getting this not only because she's freakin' awesome and her blog is amazing, but because she wrote a review on John Mayer's concert at MSG that was Google Trended as the 2nd most read review... to John Mayer's page. HOLLA That deserves some Sunshine, I'll say.
* Jill at Life After College: basically for being so similar. Although I'm a year older, I, too, am a (former) dancer who's obsessed with Shakira (and I was lucky enough to go to a concert of hers in 2002! I will share my notes with you...) and am still trying to figure out "Life after College." I know you already have this award, but I still had to share it with you because your blog is just like you~ fabulous.
Now, ladies, here are the rules for this award:
•Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
•Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
•Link the nominees within your post.
•Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
•Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
To all my IRL (in real life) friends who aren't bloggers or familiar with blogging, the above chicks are great blogs to start reading and following daily (and if you can't keep up.. fine, weekly is OK too.)
Thanks so much Brittney!!! You're the best!
ReplyDeleteEeeeeeeeee thank you so much Brittney!!! I'm completely and utterly warm-fuzzied. I'm so excited to pass on this award, and get to know you and your blog too!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I am sooo jealous that you got to see Shakira in concert! I bet it was amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shoutout, I will post it on my blog soon!
Us dancers have to stick together ;D
might be a weird place to put this comment, but I wish you'd taken a pic of your blue/black outfit and posted it here!
ReplyDeletehaha ritu- i have another version of it on today! i'll have someone take a pic of it. it's more of a casual-work attire outfit (not with the same dress) but I'll post it for you :)
ReplyDeleteyou'll be on my post tomorrow! look out for the Linkster.