These little town blues, are melting away
Ill make a brand new start of it - in old new york
If I can make it there, Ill make it anywhere
Its up to you - new york, new york
Now that my secret is out... I'm heading to NY on August 14. Now, what a Wonderful Wednesday
THIS is! Less than 2 weeks away and I'm so excited. I've been trying to get to NYC since I saw my first episode of Sex and The City in high school. My friend and I applied to Fordham in an effort to kickstart the beginning of our city lives. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for us and she headed to DC and me to the middle-of-nowhere Connecticut. However, it was there that I had the best time of my late teens and early 20s: meeting awesome friends, my boyfriend, great professors, and making memories out of fun, long, sleepless nights (in the library or at Sidestreet.) Regardless, I was meant to go to CT and my Fordham-friend loved DC so much she's been there the last 2 years out of college.
However, that nagging feeling of wanting something BIGGER never went away. I studied abroad twice- once to Nice, France for a summer and then to London for a semester. I enjoyed both times and met amazing people and traveled to amazing locations, but was very happy to come home to my friends and family.
It's been 2 years since I graduated and 3 years since I came back from London and that feeling has been back full-force for about 9 months now. I was working full-time at this point, but thought something was missing in my life. So, I applied to graduate schools in sunny California, and fabulous New York City. Again, fate had a strange way of treating me as I didn't get into any of the programs (which, is a good thing because I realized I didn't want to go by the time they came in the mail anyways)
and then I got laid off.
Drats, right?
Au Contraire!My B and I (after nearly a year of "seeing other people" and "finding ourselves" - well, myself...- and being both secretly heartbroken) had just gotten back together after alumni weekend and I decided that this was what I wanted to do: Move to New York. I applied
everywhere and never heard anything back or was broken hearted when I "didn't have enough experience" or if they "went with someone internally." My mom started telling me to start applying to places in my hometown city and I said, begrudgingly, that I agreed and changed my search zipcode on LinkedIn and Monster.
But, as luck would have it, I landed a great freelance position for the month of July. I started believing that maybe God didn't want me to leave my family and friends at this point. So, whatever His path is: I have to follow, even if I don't want to. It wasn't even 3 weeks into the freelance when I received a phone call, email, and LinkedIn message from a company in NYC who I had interviewed with months prior. They wanted to hire me!
I weighed my options and decided that NYC was finally ready for me! ;-)
Immediately, I jumped on Craigslist and started searching for apartments in my price range in areas I loved, but unfortunately, the Upper East Side doesn't serve well those who are recently unemployed without trust funds. Had a feeling that would happen.
Then... fate really took a turn down Brittney St. I wasn't able to make it down to visit apartments and my sister was dancing in NYC for the summer, and B lives close to the areas I wanted to look at (in my price range) so, I recruited the two of them to be my eyes and look at apartments and get a feel of the roommates for me.
Found 1 apartment, emailed B to see if he could visit it and see what the 2 girls were like. Turns out, the apartment was
RIGHT NEXT DOOR to my sister's apartment!
So, she went to see the apartment with B that evening. AND one of the roommates happens to know a couple of the same kids me and B went to college with! YAY! AND she shares the same name as me. :-) (I'm so partial to coincidences like that!)
I told B to put down the security deposit the next day (I'd later pay him back,) confirmed with the girls via email that I'd love to live there, heard great things about them and the apartment.
I've been talking to the two of them on gchat for a while now and they are the sweetest girls. I'm very, very lucky.
There are a lot more details, but it's not really important to the moral of the story: Don't Rush God's Plan!
I shouldn't even jinx it by saying this because I haven't even physically MOVED there yet, however, my security deposit is down, first month's rent is down, my belongings are all in the apartment (moved down on previous weekends) and my offer letter has been signed. But, really- God has a plan for us mapped out way before we even know what we want to do with our lives. I couldn't be more happy with the way things happened. Had I gone to Fordham, I wouldn't have met the amazing professors, friends, and B that I met in CT and maybe I wouldn't have loved NYC then! But, now that I'm a little bit older, more street smart and appreciative of a dollar's worth, I think I can handle it better.
Let's hope that New York is all that it's cracked up to be!